
I talked with an agency professional who told me of a renowned tour operator's story: they changed their website CTA text (book now button) from ‘Book Now’ to ‘See Dates’ and got 4x conversions!

Because of this, I got curious about the power of words or ‘copywriting’ in leading people to buy. 

And here’s what I’ve found.

‘Book Now’ Is More Pushy Than ‘See Dates’ for a CTA Button

Customers don’t like being sales-talked. Even though we know, that’s what we’re really after, sales. But, as Tom Fishburne once said “The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing."

And that is true. Consider these numbers:

  • Zendesk article about sales statistics for 2023 says, “You drive 84% of buyers away if your sales tactics are too pushy or aggressive.”
  • A 2017 study found that 68% of consumers don’t want to talk to the sales team. That is a striking increase from 53% in just two years. 

So comparing ‘Book Now’ to ‘See Dates’, ‘See Dates’ feels more subtle

statistics on customer behavior on aggressive marketing

‘See Dates’ creates less pressure on potential bookers. Rather, it lets them browse availability without feeling obligated to book right away.

On the other hand, ‘Book Now’ may feel too sales-y and pushy for users who are still in the early stages of decision-making and could deter those who aren't ready to commit.

‘See Dates’ for a Book Now Button Fit More Into Travelers’ Lifestyles

Although the ‘Book Now’ button has long been the best call-to-action because it creates a sense of urgency and directs them to action, more consumers today want the kind of marketing that fits into their lifestyles.

By inviting them to ‘See Dates’ available on your tours, you are being more considerate of their schedules. And by the moment they see your tour’s availability, they’re actually thinking about their calendars. So technically, you’re giving them enough time to decide to purchase your tours, without direct prompts.

97% of Website Visitors Aren’t Ready to Buy

Understanding the buyer's journey further highlights why a less pushy CTA can be more effective. Consider this interesting study I’ve discovered: 

Cahners Business Information looked into 40,000 customer queries and found that 47% of people took at least a year to make a purchase. Yet, more than half decided within just three to twelve months. 

Marketing guru Dr. Jeffrey Lant points out that getting familiar takes time. So he suggests that customers need to see your brand seven to twelve times over 18 months. He dubs this the 'Rule of Seven'.

statistic about the rule of seven by dr jeffrey lant - consistent marketing in travel

And today, there’s so much more you can do to keep in touch with your customers 7 to 12 times within months! You have social media. Talk about TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. Not to mention travel reviews on Google My Business, TripAdvisor, and even your own website. 

Yes, you’ve got a lot of channels. And you don’t have to be pushy and aggressive. Avoid talking more about your tour business, instead talk more about  ‘what's in it for them’ by highlighting how your tours can satisfy their travel taste buds.

Try the ‘See Dates’ CTA Button with the TicketingHub Booking Widget

At TicketingHub, our customizable booking widget is designed to elevate your brand. It blends seamlessly with your website, matching your colors, fonts, and style to create a polished, professional booking experience.

What’s in it for you? More conversions

Customizing your call-to-action button to “See Dates” allows you to increase bookings by up to 4x. Plus, it’s effortless to install—just one line of code—and you’re ready to start taking bookings right away, with zero downtime.

Why wait? Get a free demo of the TicketingHub widget today and see how 'See Dates' can transform your conversion rates.

turbocharge your travel websites online booking procees with ticketinghub

FAQ for Tour and Activity Operators

1. What types of CTAs should I use to guide clients through the booking process?

Use clear CTAs like:

  • "Book Now" – for immediate action.
  • "Learn More" – to provide additional details.
  • "Get Exclusive Offers" – to encourage sign-ups.

Place these buttons on your booking page and ensure they are easy to find.

2. How can I optimize my CTA button design on my website and social media?

Make your buttons stand out:

  • Use contrasting colors that catch the eye.
  • Ensure buttons are large enough for easy clicking on mobile devices.
  • Choose bold fonts for clarity.

Consider adding a book button on your Facebook business page and Instagram profile to reach more clients.

3. What wording is most effective for my CTA buttons?

Keep your CTA wording simple and actionable:

  • Use inviting phrases like "Book Your Adventure" or "Start Your Journey."
  • Create a sense of urgency with options like "Limited Time Offer!"
  • For a softer approach, consider using "See Dates" to encourage exploration without pressure. This is perfect for customers who aren’t quite ready to book yet.
  • Ensure your CTAs clearly guide users on what to do next, such as "Click to Book," "Sign Up Now," or "Check Availability."

By using a mix of these phrases, you can effectively engage users at different stages of their decision-making process.

4. How can I test which CTAs work best for my audience?

Try A/B testing different CTAs:

  • Test various texts, colors, and placements on your website and social media accounts.
  • Track click-through rates and conversions to see what resonates with your clients.

Use insights from your Instagram business account and Facebook page analytics.

5. What common mistakes should I avoid with my CTAs?

Avoid these pitfalls:

  • Using vague language that confuses users.
  • Overloading pages with too many CTAs; keep it simple.
  • Ignoring mobile users—ensure buttons are easy to tap on all devices.

Additional Tips

  • Make sure your booking page is mobile-friendly. Most clients book appointments on their smartphones.
  • Use action buttons like "Contact Us" or "Edit Profile" on your social media pages to enhance engagement.
  • Regularly update your Instagram business profile to include current offers and services, making it easier for clients to book appointments.

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