
Jungle Cat World Wildlife Park Has Online Booking Made Easy With TicketingHub

Discover how Jungle Cat World Wildlife Park got more work done and made customers happier by switching to TicketingHub. Find out how they met challenges and found solutions.

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Jungle Cat World Wildlife Park is a unique sanctuary in Ontario, Canada. Family-owned and operated, since 1983, it provides a safe haven for a diverse array of wildlife, many rescued and others endangered. Their purpose is to connect guests with the animals in their professional care in a respectful and mutually meaningful way, with a commitment to animal welfare, education, and conservation

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Jungle Cat World Safari Park


Before implementing TicketingHub online booking software, Jungle Cat World Wildlife Park faced several significant challenges:

  • Lack of Online Booking System: “We had no online booking system. Transactions were done onsite with a POS device or simply with cash," said Park Director, Peter. This manual process was inefficient and outdated.
  • Long Wait Times: On busy days, the onsite transactions caused delays and frustration for guests. Peter noted, "It was slow and inconvenient, sometimes leading to long lines," which soured the overall visitor experience.
  • Unpredictable Attendance: The park struggled to predict visitor numbers without an online booking system accurately. "We couldn't forecast how many people to expect on any given day or for special events," explained Peter, making it hard to track and allocate resources effectively.

That is until Peter discovered TicketingHub…

Jungle Cat World Safari Park


Jungle Cat World now sells tickets online with TicketingHub's booking widget.

TicketingHub helped Peter with a comprehensive solution that met the needs required by Jungle Cat World Wildlife Park, upgrading their operations in a big way.

  • Cost-Effective and Customizable: Peter mentioned, "Price initially was the biggest influence. Because we're a registered charity, the 3% fee was reduced to 2%, with no set-up or monthly fee." This cost-effective approach made TicketingHub an attractive option. As well, the flexibility and dynamic nature of TicketingHub appealed to Peter, as he appreciated working with a small team that was eager to adapt and grow with them.
  • Ease of Setup and Integration: The platform was easy to set up and integrate with their existing systems. "Integration was relatively easy," Peter stated, highlighting the ease of switching to using TicketingHub.
  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: TicketingHub radically changed the park's operations by enabling online bookings. Initially, online payments were slow to be adopted, but the shift in mindset due to COVID-19 made online management a must. Peter explained, "We have very few walk-ins and can accurately use TicketingHub to record income, attendance, etc. Automated emails help admin with efficiency, and an email sent a day after asking guests to review our wildlife park has been insightful."
  • Improved Customer Experience: The online booking system elevates the customer experience. Peter noted, "By having payments made upfront well in advance, our staff can immediately go into customer care/service mode when guests arrive." This streamlined process removed the hassle of onsite payments, taking the stress out of the guest experience.
  • Centralized Program Management: TicketingHub allowed Jungle Cat World Wildlife Park to keep track of their programs all in one place. Peter found this feature particularly beneficial, stating, "Being able to schedule all our various programs in one place is great! And processing cancellations is simple and easy."
  • Exceptional Customer Support: TicketingHub's customer support was also highly praised by Peter. "10/10! Amazing customer service! Very patient. Fast to respond and help," he shared, highlighting the supportive and responsive nature of the TicketingHub team.

With TicketingHub, Jungle Cat World overcame its internal struggles, delivered a more satisfying visitor experience, and witnessed a dramatic boost in profits and ticket sales.

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Don’t Miss Out – Try TicketingHub Today

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Are you ready to transform your business as Jungle Cat World Wildlife Park did? Don’t let outdated systems hold you back. With TicketingHub, you can simplify your operations, make your customers happier, and boost your profits.

TicketingHub works for many types of businesses. We work with safari parks, zoos, water parks, museums, food tours, and more. Think about the growth and ease you could achieve with an online booking system that's easy to use and meets your needs.

Don’t miss out on this chance to improve your business. Schedule a demo with TicketingHub today and see how our platform can help you. Join the ranks of successful tour operators who already use TicketingHub and start experiencing the difference.

Book your demo now and start growing your business!

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المشغلون يثقون ويحبون TicketingHub

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أندرياس دي
يونيو 24, 2022

واحدة من أفضل الأنظمة لاحتياجات شركاتي.

بشكل عام ، كانت أداة ونظاما لا يقدر بثمن لعملي ، مما ساعدنا على النمو والتوسع. لقد استخدمنا Ticketinghub لعدد من السنوات لأن نظامهم يتناسب تماما مع احتياجاتنا لبيع التذاكر على مستوى العالم.
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يونيو 20, 2019

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نظام التذاكر هذا متعدد الاستخدامات للغاية وسيتيح لك القيام بأي شيء تقريبا يمكنك التفكير فيه. لديهم دعم عملاء استثنائي ويبدو أنهم يعرفون عملائهم بالاسم ، لذلك إذا كان لديك أي مشكلة على الإطلاق ، فما عليك سوى الاتصال بهم وستقوم بفرزها.
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يونيو 25, 2019


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