
No more paper tickets and tedious spreadsheets! Hop-on-hop-off bus companies are switching to digital booking solutions. Discover how renowned City Sightseeing-Budapest have revamped their online ticketing with TicketingHub!

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مدينة مشاهدة المعالم السياحية بودابست هوب أون هوب أوف جولات حافلة

City Sightseeing, the premier global open-top bus tour brand, launched in the 2000s with just four tours and has expanded to over 100 locations globally. See how their Budapest service revamped online ticketing systems, setting the standard for online booking in the bus tourism industry.

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مشاهدة معالم المدينة بودابست


As City Sightseeing Budapest gained traction, they faced a number of challenges that demanded an advanced tour booking solution.

  • Effortless transaction handling to process secure online payments and keep online bookings moving without double bookings.
  • Develop sustainable sales strategies to drive ticket sales. It may be through direct online bookings or multiple channels of sales.
  • Complex tour management for multiple schedules and bus tour locations.
  • Refine the customer booking journey with seamless online booking processes.

These challenges called for a reliable cloud-based booking solution that should help the City Sightseeing company save valuable time, reduce no-shows, and attract more customers.

مشاهدة معالم المدينة بودابست


City Sightseeing Budapest has transformed its booking system with TicketingHub’s online tour booking software. Here’s how they achieved smoother operations.

Customizable online booking widget that sells tickets when they sleep

A 24/7 accessible booking tool that matches the company's branding, offers SSL-secured payments, and supports multiple currencies. It syncs live availability across all sales channels to prevent double bookings.

Painless OTA integrations that multiplies sales opportunities

partner with multiple sales channels like tripadvisor, expedia, booking.com, bokun, travelocity, trivago, and more

Now, tickets can be sold round-the-clock, even during off hours, via major Online Travel Agencies like TripAdvisor and GetYourGuide. All sales are centralized through TicketingHub’s dashboard for easy management.

Unified TicketingHub dashboard that lets them manage tours from anywhere

availability overview calendar that lets you manage tour schedules and inventory on multiple sales channels

Allows easy creation and management of tour schedules and packages from any location, streamlining operations across multiple sites.

Enhanced mobile bookings that boosted website conversion rates

showing 3 steps of a booking checkout with ticketinghub widget

Redesigned online booking flow for easy and quick checkouts on mobile devices, significantly improving conversion rates.

TicketingHub improvements have significantly enhanced service quality and productivity for City Sightseeing Budapest.

Try TicketingHub's Bus Tour Reservation Software Today!

Take the first step towards better tour operations with TicketingHub. Book a free demo today and see for yourself how our bus tour reservation software works.

With only a 3% booking fee—significantly lower than the standard 6% charged by other providers—you'll see cost savings right away. Plus, we don’t charge setup or monthly fees.

companies that ticketinghub works with

Trusted by world-renowned brands like Secret Food Tours, Sipsmith Distillery, Electric Gamebox, and Egypt's Sound and Light Shows, TicketingHub offers flexibility and reliability to meet diverse booking needs.

Don't miss out on saving time and making more sales. Schedule your demo now and join the leading companies enjoying seamless tour management with TicketingHub!


1. How has TicketingHub's online booking software improved the booking process for City Sightseeing Budapest?

TicketingHub's cloud-based solution has greatly simplified City Sightseeing Budapest's online booking process.

By combining real-time data and dynamic pricing, the software makes bookings easier. It also prevents double bookings and improves customer satisfaction.

This cutting-edge booking system works seamlessly with the company's existing website, simplifying both daily operations and multi-day tours.

2. What are the key features of TicketingHub that benefit tour operators like City Sightseeing Budapest?

TicketingHub offers many features that are very useful to tour and activity operators. These include centralized dashboard management, which simplifies the booking management process across multiple tour locations.

The platform also supports automated emails, mobile bookings, and a secure payment processing system that handles multiple currencies.

These features allow tour operators to optimize operations, maximize conversions, and save time while providing high-quality service to their customers.

3. How does TicketingHub handle the unique needs of a multi-location tour company like City Sightseeing Budapest?

TicketingHub is designed to cater to multi-location bus tour companies' complex needs. The software's flexible reservation system allows tour operators to manage passenger lists, process payments, and issue invoices efficiently.

Additionally, the system's ability to run tours and manage bookings from any mobile device or back office system helps ensure that operations across multiple locations run smoothly.

This capability is vital for ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction and maintaining smooth business operations.

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المشغلون يثقون ويحبون TicketingHub

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أندرياس دي
يونيو 24, 2022

واحدة من أفضل الأنظمة لاحتياجات شركاتي.

بشكل عام ، كانت أداة ونظاما لا يقدر بثمن لعملي ، مما ساعدنا على النمو والتوسع. لقد استخدمنا Ticketinghub لعدد من السنوات لأن نظامهم يتناسب تماما مع احتياجاتنا لبيع التذاكر على مستوى العالم.
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